Monday, 12 September 2016

A Rather Grey View

I love all things Austen. And even though the blog title reference comes from the 2005 film, not the book. The quote popped right into my head when I started writing.
Things have been a little slow on the craft front for me. Between work, uni and family, life has been beyond stressful. I haven't gotten around to photographing any of my current work, but I'll do a proper update later. I just feel like getting some of this stress off my chest.

With my mother's birthday occurring just a few weeks ago, it was a mad scramble to finish her birthday present. I hate lacework. It looks amazing and I feel so accomplished when I've finished a project that includes it; but the process is torture. Especially when I make a mistake. Which is often. But in the end, her gift turned out better than I could have hoped for. I'm really happy with it, and I think she really liked it.

There have been a few more Pokemon to add to the ranks as well. I haven't made any more recently though. They're quite time consuming and my cousin doesn't seem to appreciate the amount of work that goes into them. Not that I blame her. She's 6. It's hard for her to comprehend why something so small takes a week to make.

Since we're halfway through the semester at uni, I decided not to pick up anymore projects for now. Sometimes I get a little consumed by it and uni should really be a priority for me. I'm so close to graduating. If I can just buckle down a little longer, I'll finally have my degree! I can totally understand why people give up this close to the end of completing a degree though. I am exhausted. And it doesn't help that everyone has to remind you that life will only get harder when you work full time. People suck sometimes.
But I had a great day today. I worked so productively and achieved so much. What's more is, I actually enjoyed myself. Normally, the work can get tedious and I find it hard to even get started. But today was magical. I forced myself to start and could barely step away from my computer. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as amazing. Then I might have time to start a new project!

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